St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) today is a large educational and scientific center, the only university in the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation that provides comprehensive training of specialists in the field of construction, architecture, transport and engineering and environmental systems. SPbGASU has long-standing professional and pedagogical traditions and constantly updates teaching technologies, topics and methods of scientific research.
The University provides training of bachelors, masters and specialists on full-time, part-time, correspondence forms of education in accordance with the approved programs of higher professional education.
Mission of SPbGASU
Preservation and multiplication of traditions of the school of Russian civil engineers and unique urban planning and architectural environment of St. Petersburg and the Russian Federation, in providing innovative development of the country in the field of architecture, construction, transportation and in improving the quality of life of citizens by training highly qualified, socially responsible specialists on the basis of modern scientific methods and educational technologies.